Shri Dharampal, IAS Advisor to UT Administrator presided over the 2nd State Level NCORD meeting
Shri Dharampal, IAS Advisor to UT Administrator presided over the 2nd State Level NCORD meeting
Sh. Dharampal, IAS Advisor to the UT Administrator chaired the second State Level NCORD Meeting which was convened by Shri Gyanenshwar Singh, IPS DDG (NR) NCB and attended by Sh. Nitin Yadav, IAS Secretary (Home) along with departmental heads/representatives including Secretary Health, Secretary Excise, Secretary Education, Secretary Social Welfare, SSP Crime UT, DD DRI, ZD NCB, AD NCB, AD Mail Department of Posts, DIG -BSF, among others. Sh. Amanjit Singh, IRS, Zonal Director NCB briefed the chair on the drug trafficking scenario in the UT of Chandigarh. A detailed presentation on the NCORD mechanism & Agenda items by Shri Gyanenshwar Singh , IPS DDG (NR) NCB
The drug situation in Chandigarh was discussed in length consequent to which the Advisor took the following critical decisions:
a) Chandigarh to have a dedicated Anti Narcotic Task Force to be headed by IG rank officer.
b) A dedicated anti dark net cell to be set up by the cyber cell UT Police which will check the drug trade through dark web and prevent the spread of its tentacles in Chandigarh. College students/ volunteers to be involved in this project.
c) Sniffer dogs & scanners to be deployed at major mailing hubs to check drug smuggling through post/courier.
d) All Pubs & Restaurants in Chandigarh to mandatorily display ‘Anti-Drug Signage’.
e) NCB will provide a dedicated control room number to deal with complaints of drug smuggling.
f) Drug smuggling prone routes/borders of the city to be patrolled by police regularly.
g) Capacity building to tackle drug smuggling will be given utmost importance by all departments & drug law enforcement agencies.
h) Mass anti-drug awareness programs to be launched targeting the vulnerable sections.